TeenVenture is a summer program designed for participants who are returning to high school in the fall.

There are offsite visits to practice life skills in a supported way. Independence, decision-making, and cooperation are fostered as new skills are developed and practiced.

All new participants and their families will have a meet and greet with the staff before confirming registration. Spaces available for 2024

Participants will be given the opportunity to be leaders in camp activities, helping with Carnival day, obstacle courses, crafts and games.

Each week participants will practice busing skills to activities (grocery shopping, laundry, the mall, downtown).

They will be talking about healthy choices for their body through food and exercise.   This will include planning a menu, shopping the food and preparing.   Exercise will be walks and going to the park. Budgeting.

Safety in the community at home and online.  How and who to ask for help. Chores at home and at camp. 
